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In the context of a wedding reception, a toast is a joyful speech to congratulate the newlyweds who have just celebrated their union with a toast. If the couple prefers, a wedding speech might be delivered by multiple bridal party members or simply one person.

Toasts at weddings can be difficult to pull off. The following advice will help you and your favourite pair remember your wedding toast for years to come, so grab your notebooks and get ready for some key(note) advice.

Toasts at weddings can be difficult to pull off. As a wedding planner, you've got a lot of people to please—and couples are extra-sensitive on their wedding day since they have a room full of the people who matter most to them.

There is a lot of strain on these talks because of this. The following advice will help you and your favourite pair remember your wedding toast for years to come, so grab your notebooks and get ready for some key(note) advice.



How To Give A Tasteful Wedding Toast

Tactfully Get The Crowd’s Attention.

When no one is looking, clinking on a champagne glass is a terrific time, but it can be bothersome and even dangerous when everyone is having a good time and not paying attention. To avoid wasting time trying to persuade the audience, stand up and calmly speak into the microphone.

"Hello, everyone!" is an example. As we toast the newlyweds, please give me a few seconds of your time. After that, we'll have cake!

Be Brief. 

It is best to keep it as brief as possible for a new toaster. You may find it fascinating to tell the story of your friendship with the groom from the sandbox through graduate school, but the rest of the guests are more interested in getting the drinks and getting the party started. A simple toast or a few simple words are all that is necessary. You'll have plenty of time to get your point across if you're speaking for more than two to three minutes.

Birds of a feather flock together, as the saying goes. You and your companions are a magnificent sight to behold; They can't wait to watch you take flight.

Be Complementary And Appropriate. 

Even if you find the couple's story amusing, refrain from making any jokes about the couple that might be confusing to the other guests. What this means is that the wedding day should be completely free of all prior embarrassments and ex-lovers. To make the couple grin with thanks, every word you say should be directed towards that goal. So, be sure to only speak well of them.

For example, we feel fortunate to have been with Jim through thick and thin... crust pizzas every night in college. Knowing that Julia will care for him better than I did makes me sad, but We know it's in his best interest. They have another slice of pizza.

Be sincere.

It doesn't matter what your particular style is; all anyone needs from a reception speech is to reaffirm that this legal uniting of the souls is an uplifting event for the couple, their family, and any random attending neighbours. After a long ceremony, it's usually great to be reminded of the couple's appropriateness for each other by a toastmaster, even if they don't expect profound insights into love. It is easier to find the right words when you speak from the heart.


There is no sin in going through your toast with another person in advance in order to practise it. Recording yourself on your phone or computer is a good idea if you want an element of surprise, but all of your friends will be there. That is, if you can stand the thought of being confronted with your mannerisms.

Be Clear-Headed. 

After the toast, the open bar can be your friend. A single alcoholic beverage can help you relax if you don't go overboard. Make the most of the opportunity by not slurring your words in front of an audience of hundreds of people.

Be Mannerly. 

Remember to lift your glass during the toast and take a taste of your champagne after it has been completed. If not, it's just going to be an ordinary old speech!

Wedding Toast Dos And Don'ts

One can give a wide variety of toasts at a celebration. There are, however, appropriate and inappropriate ways to deliver a toast at a wedding, regardless of whether you intend to make it humorous or more romantic. When it comes to presenting the perfect toast at a wedding, here is a list of things you should do:

Do Research And Crowdsource.

Make sure you incorporate some humorous or sweet stories from the bride and groom's childhood, adolescence, or early adulthoods in your wedding speech to give the audience a glimpse into their personalities. Make sure to ask the couple's family members, including parents, siblings, and close friends, if they have any interesting anecdotes you can incorporate into your toast.

Do Be A Storyteller.

Toasts are better when good stories accompany them. Describe the couple's relationship and how they came to be here today. As a wedding guest representing one newlywed, explain how you know each other, how you met the other newlywed, the progression of their relationship, and what you hope for their future if you can weave in a joke or a narrative through-line. Suppose you can do this with a little thematic joke or narrative through-line, even better.

Do Combine Humour With Emotion.

The perfect wedding toast is a mixture of comedy, sentimentality, good-natured mocking, and sincerity. Your goal is to make the couple and the rest of the guests laugh and cry at the same time. Include some clean jokes that won't offend anyone's sensibilities if you're naturally funny (jokes at your own expense are always a safe bet). If you're prone to stumbling over the punch line, send a note of congratulations and well wishes instead.

Do Borrow Language.

We're not all born with the ability to speak our minds. Even if you aren't Wordsworth, there's no guilt in copying some of his best words. Find some quotes about love and relationships to use as a guide or to sprinkle for maximum impact at the opening and end of your speech. Like Martin Luther King Jr. or any of the Romantic poets, they are good sources of quotations that will inspire you.

DO practice out loud.

In public speaking, the proverb holds true "practice makes perfect" could not be more accurate. Knowing the subject is one thing; hearing the words aloud will help you catch faults, strange phrases or odd timing. Make a copy of your speech and read it aloud to a friend or partner to receive their input. Then go back and rehearse until you feel confident.

Do Speak Clearly.

What good would it do if you give a wedding toast that is sure to bring the house down, but no one can comprehend it? Speak loudly, enunciate your words, and use the microphone and any other audio-visual equipment to ensure that your one-liners pack a punch and that your genuine wishes bring tears to the audience's eyes.

Do Keep It Clean(Ish).

Isn't this the most obvious example? Make sure you know your target market. Keep in mind that you're speaking to everyone on the guest list, which may be anyone from the age of three to the age of 93. Adult jokes must be made in a subtle and tasteful manner. The best way to keep things classy is to obscure your examples and keep the jokes light deliberately. Stay away from the sleazy details, don't expose anything that could jeopardise your reputation, and don't make fun of yourself in the bathroom.

Do Address Both Newlyweds.

Be sure to give a few polite, sincere, and personal remarks to the newlyweds, so your speech doesn't feel awkwardly imbalanced. Sharing an anecdote about why they are so fantastic in their own right is much more fun when you have a friend in common.

Do End On A Sweet Note.

End your wedding speech on a positive note, no matter what else you say or do. Wishing the newlyweds luck in their future together is usual (for a reason), and a toast in their honour is always appreciated.

Additionally, the following are some things to avert when delivering a memorable wedding toast:

Don't Ramble.

It would be best if you wrote a short story rather than a novel. Nobody wants to hear you go on about a topic that has nothing to do with your main message or even your own personal life. The newlyweds are the focus of attention, so resist the temptation to wander off on a tangent.

Don't Be Too Mean, Crass, Or Dirty.

Laughter is an excellent thing. Making people feel uneasy is not a good thing. Anyone who makes a snide joke at the expense of another person or group is out of bounds. Should They say this? It is a good indicator that you should refrain from saying it in the first place. Also, keep your mouth shut if you're known for your profanity.

Don't Tell Inside Jokes.

Suppose you and the bride or groom (or a small handful of other people) will understand what you're talking about. In that case, it's probably not good material to include in a wedding speech because it won't be very interesting to the other guests. You don't want to turn off your audience by giving them the impression that they aren't in on the joke you're telling. Maintain a focus on all-encompassing themes, and remember to tell inclusive stories and jokes.

Don't Get Tipsy.

If you want to loosen up for your big moment, it's tempting to have a drink or two after the "I dos," but you should use common judgement. A short burst of alcohol consumption can improve your capacity to think on your feet, explain yourself coherently, or sense the passage of time. Our best estimate is that it's not. It will be evident to the audience that you are not in your finest mental state if you use the open bar before your speech.

Don't Dwell On Your Blunders.

Now and then, even the most accomplished public speakers stumble over a word. In the event of an error, instead of apologising extensively or making light of the fact that you're a terrible public speaker, correct yourself or move on. If you linger any longer, you risk making your audience feel uneasy or losing their trust in you.

Don't Just Read And Engage.

There is no need to memorise your speech, but reading from a piece of paper or your phone while not paying attention to the audience is a no-no in public speaking. You don't need to recite your speech word-for-word if you've memorised it. Looking around, making eye contact (particularly with the happy couple) and pausing to laugh or applaud are all important parts of a wedding reception.

Don't Rush.

It's acceptable to feel a little uncomfortable, but if your nervousness is too obvious, it can distract or agitate your audience. You may tell if you're nervous by rushing through your speech like a NASCAR driver. Relax, take a few deep breaths, and employ the aforementioned audience engagement tactics. Count on it being over in a flash.

Don't Go Long.

Try not to go on for too long or take up too much of the wedding reception's previously planned time. If you do, your guests won't be paying attention to your eloquence because they will be more concerned with finding out when they can start dancing. If you are by yourself, you should strive for a time frame of two to three minutes, but you should stick to whatever time range the pair recommended.

Don't Talk About Yourself.

It's not your day, so don't make it about you in your toast. A narrative about yourself and the bride or groom is a terrific idea, as long as it highlights the other person's personality, talents, or achievements in an amusing and flattering light. Keep an eye on how many times you use the words "I" and "me" in your speech to avoid appearing disingenuous.

Don't Mention Exes.

At all. Ever. Seriously. Could you not do it? It will make things uncomfortable; as mentioned earlier, individuals are susceptible on the big day.

Don't Say Anything Negative.

Do not include a joke in your toast if you are unsure about whether or not it will be offensive to the bride, groom, or either of their parents. Remember that this is a toast, not a roast, and keep that in mind.

FAQs About Wedding

Your words of congratulations during the wedding should be heartfelt but not drawn out. Make sure you have a beginning, middle, and end. We have provided you with a rough format so that you can get started writing your speech, even though everyone's remarks will be personalised to them and their relationship with the couple. Send your congratulations to the newlyweds.

Other Wedding Toast Tips

Bachelorette Party And Bridal


Depending on whether or not you intend to use your notes at the reception, think about what you're going to say and write it down. It's possible that you'll stumble over your words or lose your line of thought if you "fly it," so don't.

The couple's wedding day demands a wedding toast that has been meticulously prepared. That requires planning ahead of time and practising a few times to have a sense of how long and how fluid your speech will be. Trust us, you and the couple will be glad you did it.

Be yourself.

Stay true to who you are. Don't strive to be funny if you aren't naturally one yourself. Don't go there if you're not into gooey sentimentalism.

Sincerely express your admiration for the happy couple's union by stating why your relationship with them is exceptional. That's all there is to it.

Keep it short.

Those afraid of public speaking may be relieved to learn that most wedding toasts are no more than three minutes long. Keep in mind that you're delivering a wedding toast, not a lengthy speech in the Senate chamber.

Just identify yourself and explain your relationship to the couple, offer a memorable recollection or story about the couple (or the bride and groom separately), congratulate them, and wish them a long, happy future. You don't need to say anything else.

Say Congratulations.

You'll be amazed at how often folks fail to include this in their wedding toasts. To wish the newlyweds well is the sole goal of a wedding toast, so be sure to include this wish in your speech.

Look At The Person You’re Toasting.

Instead of looking directly at the pair, remember that they are the ones who will be hearing your speech and are, therefore, the essential members of your audience. You're not trying to impress the wedding guests; instead, you're toasting your dear friend (or son or daughter...), their new spouse, and their bright future together. The power of eye contact is undeniable.

Coordinate With The Wedding Planner.

To avoid being a bother, make sure you're familiar with the reception schedule and basic order of activities before you show up. Ask the wedding planner (or the person acting in this capacity—even the DJ or bandleader might know) so that you know when and where you are supposed to give your toast, what sort of microphone you will have, and where to place your notes.

How To Write a Great Wedding Toast

  • 'Wedding Crashers' screenwriter Steve Faber says that any toast should have five parts: a beginning, a tale, comic relief, and a turning point.
  • Background. Introduce yourself to the group if you are unfamiliar with the bulk of the attendees. You should still do this even if you already know the majority of the attendees. That way, everyone who is listening will have a sense of context.
  • It's a worthwhile anecdote. Explain to the guests how you met the bride and/or groom and share a little bit of your personal history with them. No matter which side of the wedding party you're on, make sure to include both the bride and groom in your speech. Tell us a little about how you met the happy couple and how you got to know them.
  • Laughter serves as an excellent diversion. Even if you want to be hilarious, don't make jokes about the bride or groom's wedding day in your speech. When it comes to wedding toast humour, keep it light and relatable.
  • A watershed moment. Make an effort to recall an occasion when you or your friend realised that the two were intended to be together for the rest of their lives.
  • Conclusion. It's time to put it all together. The speech should always end with a toast to the pair and a pleasant word of encouragement.

Tips For Wedding Toast Success

Here are some pointers on how to prepare and deliver a memorable toast at your wedding:

  • It is important to keep your remarks succinct but not brevity. Your presentation should not exceed five minutes in length, and you should make every effort to keep the audience engaged.
  • Practise your speech. Spend time practising; speaking from memory is preferable to reciting from a deck of index cards. You should be able to act naturally but not flawlessly.
  • Make sure to smile. Keep a smile on your face the entire time because you're honouring two people who mean a lot to you.
  • Stay upbeat and upbeat. Share joyful and upbeat tales about the couple's past together. Leave the tragic and heartbreaking information for another time; this is a happy occasion.
  • Don't use sarcastic humour. Make sure you don't tell any truly embarrassing anecdotes regarding either of your weddings. It's safe to presume the narrative is off-limits if they don't want granny to hear it.
  • Avoid making fun of your coworkers' idiosyncrasies. To avoid offending the other guests, refrain from including any stories that need the listeners to have been present.
  • Be genuine to yourself. If you're more of an emotional person, avoid making a hilarious toast; if you're a funny guy, avoid making people cry. Don't overthink it; just be yourself and stay true to the couple you're with.
  • Use quotes that are relevant to the topic at hand. Toasting at a wedding can be an excellent opportunity to share a memorable line from a movie, poem, or book.
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