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A Vintage 1968 Wedding

A pleasant surprise today when Mr & Mrs Fisher checked in to the hotel today to celebrate their 46th Wedding anniversary.  Not only did they advise that Brighton Savoy was the wedding venue for their wedding reception that was held on Saturday 23rd March 1968, they brought In copies of their original wedding bill, and receipts .

The hotel does have a lot of archival documentation of years gone by, but this wedding bill is a gem, as it is now the earliest document we have of Weddings at Brighton Savoy.

My family purchased the hotel in 1967, so the Fisher’s wedding would have been one in the first year of operation. My mother Maya way back in 1968 acted as a wedding’s hostess and M.C here at the hotel, so its more than likely my mother looked after the Fishers.

A Brighton Savoy 1968 Wedding Bill

The vintage wedding bill below is for 83 Guests and totals $610.67. The bill included all meals, beverages , waiters , flowers and even a band.  It’s interesting to see that waiters were charged out at a rate of $2.50 an hour.  The letter head the bill was on was a very thin rice style paper and considering the age it has copied and scanned reasonably well.

The invoice was made out to Mr Brooks, Mrs Fisher’s father, as tradition and etiquette in 1968 dictated that the bride’s parents always paid for the wedding reception.

The Fishers today

Mr and Mrs Fisher joined us in the Seaview Terrace for dinner to celebrate their 46 year wedding anniversary, after having a wonderful chat with them they are planning to bring their whole family back to Brighton Savoy for the next anniversary.

Brighton Savoy in 2014

In the 47 years that my family have owned and operated the hotel,  weddings have always been a major aspect of our business, located on Brighton beach. With four wedding event spaces catering from 30 -220 guests, please do not hesitate to contact us on (03) 9592 8233 to discuss a future wedding or any type of celebration.[dt_gap height=”10″ /]
Michael Lee
Managing Director
Brighton Savoy Hotel
Ps: I am always on the look out for any historical documents, brochures, correspondence that might be out there in someones files, old boxes or attic. Please contact me
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