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Travelling with Food Intolerances

Brighton Savoy was recently contacted to participate in a PHD Study entitled Travelling with Food Intolerances.

Jessica Derham, an Associate Lecturer at Latrobe University, is undertaking her PHD which involves investigation into the awareness of the issues of food intolerances of guests attending events or staying at Brighton Savoy Hotel and the challenges this presents.

Anita Lee  (from our events office) and I had a great interview with Jessica discussing subjects ranging from:

  • Dealing with gluten free and coeliac wedding and event menus
  • The more recent issue of fructose malabsorption diets
  • The impact of food intolerances on chefs and kitchens
  • The duty of care owed to guests with food Intolerances
  • Special dietary requirements for weddings
Brighton Savoy is a wedding venue that caters for all guests with food allergies or intolerances. Please contact our events department on (03) 9592 8233, to discuss hosting your wedding reception with us.[dt_gap height=”10″ /]
We wish Jessica all the best in what has become a very relevant issue in today’s society and market place, and look forward to reading the final thesis.[dt_gap height=”10″ /]
regards[dt_gap height=”10″ /]
Michael Lee[dt_gap height=”20″ /]

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