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Indoor plant growers often deal with pests and insects that eat or otherwise harm their crops. Chemical pesticides are harmful to plants and pose health risks to humans. As a result, people are looking for non-chemical pest control methods to protect their plants and themselves.

Several natural methods exist for preventing and eliminating insect damage to houseplants. You can spray the afflicted areas of the plant with a solution by mixing a few drops of dish soap with water. Vinegar and water sprayed on plants in equal parts is another natural insecticide that works well. Natural pesticides like neem oil are beneficial for indoor plants. It can be sprayed on plants after being diluted with water.

You've found the ideal place if you're trying to find information about non-chemical approaches to managing insect pests on houseplants. This article explains three methods for creating natural pesticides that can be used on houseplants. Using these non-toxic alternatives to chemical pesticides, you can protect your plants without risking your or the planet's health. So read on to learn how to manufacture natural pesticides for your houseplants.

What Are The Common Indoor Plant Pests?

Bringing some greenery within is a great way to brighten up the place. However, if you don't take preventative measures against common indoor plant pests, it can be difficult to keep houseplants alive and well. Pests such as mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects, fungus gnats, and whiteflies are widespread on indoor plants. Damage from these pests includes stunted growth, yellowing foliage, and even plant death. Without intervention, these pests will swiftly spread to the rest of your houseplants, where they will inflict considerable damage. Houseplants can be damaged by various common pests that can be found indoors. For example:

Spider Mites

how do you make natural pesticides for indoor plants (2)

These spiders are very small and typically come in shades of red or brown. They feed on the plant sap and spin intricate webs on the leaves, damaging and discolouring the foliage. Spider mites are notoriously widespread in hot, dry climates. However, you may avoid having spider mites on your plants if you water and spray them often. Natural insecticides like neem oil or insecticidal soap can also eliminate those pesky spider mites.


Insects like these can cause a plant to wilt, become yellow, and even die if they get ahold of its sap and drink it. They congregate in vast numbers on the leaf undersides, where they are easily observed. Preventing mealybug infestations requires careful inspection of all new houseplants and subsequent isolation for several weeks. To eliminate mealybugs, you can use either chemical or natural pesticides.

Scale Insects

Tiny, oval-shaped insects that feed on a plant's sap, resulting in the eventual yellowing and dropping of the leaves. Because they appear inconspicuous bumps on the plant, scale insects can be tricky to spot. Inspecting your plants frequently and treating insects with natural or chemical insecticides will help you avoid these problems.


These soft-bodied insects appear in a wide range of colours; they are responsible for leaf curling, yellowing, and growth suppression. They cluster in great numbers on new growth, and their distinctive pear shapes make them easy to spot. Aphid infestations can be avoided by utilizing natural or chemical insecticides and maintaining healthy plant growth through regular watering and fertilization.

Fungus Gnats

These little black flies lay their eggs in the dirt surrounding plants in containers. The larvae of these pests eat the plant's roots, which can lead to poor development and eventual death. Soil allowed to dry out between waterings is more resistant to fungus gnat infestations. Fungus gnat adults can be captured and kept from returning to the soil to lay their eggs using yellow sticky traps.


These delicate insects can induce discolouration and abnormal plant development by sucking their sap. It's not uncommon for them to be difficult to see because they look like tiny, dark dots on the plant. However, regular plant inspections and applying chemical or natural insecticides can help you avoid a thrips infestation.

Inspect your indoor plants for symptoms of infestation regularly, provide enough water and fertilizer, and employ natural or chemical pest control measures as necessary.

Natural Pest Control Methods For Your Garden

It's every gardener's worst nightmare: all your hard work in the garden has been undone instantly because of pests. However, alternatives to commercial pesticides, such as those employed by previous generations, can be found in home remedies. These organic insecticides could be far cheaper than their synthetic counterparts and safer for the planet.

Homemade Slug Repellent

A solution of one part espresso (genuine, not instant) to ten parts water can be sprayed on slug and snail-infested garden sections once it has cooled. Beer can be used as a non-cruel alternative to poison for slug management. 

If you set a container in your garden at ground level, the snails and slugs will crawl directly into it. In addition, beer yeast has a pleasant aroma that lures snails. If you don't want to use coffee or alcohol to kill them, copper barrier tape or hand picking them (ideally at night with a torch) will keep them out of your home.

Eucalyptus Oil for Mosquitoes

Mosquitoes are a major nuisance all year round, but they are especially annoying in the spring and summer. These pests make it harder to garden and host parties outside since they like making everyone feel uneasy. Try eucalyptus oil if you're looking for a natural alternative to DEET-based insect repellents. Citronella candles are great for keeping mosquitoes at bay at outdoor events. In addition to keeping pests at bay, the candle's pleasant aroma is a nice benefit.

What You Need:

  • 1/4 teaspoon Eucalyptus Oil (there are much essential oil bug spray uses)
  • 1 cup of water
  • Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

  1. Fill a spray bottle with the water-and-oil mixture.
  2. Apply the concoction to the plants topically.
  3. Apply it every seven days a week until you no longer see them.

Grow Your Crops Wisely to Attract Beneficial Pests

To eliminate these pests, natural predators of aphids should be invited into the garden. Aphid-eating insects like ladybugs, praying mantises, hoverflies, and lacewings are drawn to the scent of herbs like mint, fennel, dill, and yarrow. The details would be too graphic to share here. Simply growing sunflowers and dandelions can attract the correct kind of bugs.

Use Tea to Discourage Possums

Lapsang Souchong tea has a strong, smoky aroma that possums find offensive. This one is the oldest, strongest, and maybe smokeless black tea in the world. Make some tea, wait for it to cool, and then spray it over the plants the possums have been eating. Mothballs and camphor blocks can also be hung around the garden as a deterrent. Possums are quite sensitive to odours and will deliberately avoid them.

Pepper Spray

Insects and other pests have a strong aversion to certain spices. They all have capsaicin, an ingredient that keeps insects like spider mites at bay. Do a spot test to determine how your host plant reacts before treating the whole plant.

What You Need:

  • Two tablespoons of red pepper
  • One teaspoon of mild liquid soap
  • 1-gallon water
  • Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

  1. Combine all the components in a large bowl. Mix gently. Fill the spray bottle with the mixture.
  2. Apply the concoction by spraying it on the plants. If you still spot bugs in your plants after a few days, give them another treatment.

Chrysanthemum Flower Tea

Insects' neurological systems are invaded by a potent plant chemical called pyrethrum, which is found in chrysanthemum. Some organic essential oil can be used for fragrance. To see how your plant reacts, always perform a spot test.

What You Need:

  • 100 grams of dried flowers
  • 1-litre water
  • Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

  1. The dried flowers need 20 minutes of boiling time in a litre of water.
  2. After it has cooled, strain it and put it in a spray bottle.
  3. Apply the concoction to the plants topically.
  4. As long as you continue to see pests on your plants, treating them every few days would be best.

Prevent bug populations from growing and taking over! Spraying them with these DIY plant sprays will make your home an uninhabitable habitat for these pests.

Neem Oil Spray

how do you make natural pesticides for indoor plants (1)

Like diatomaceous earth, neem oil is an organic, natural solution that effectively manages and removes common houseplant pests. It achieves its effects by disrupting the pests' nervous systems, causing them to stop feeding, mating, and reproducing before dying off. This will aid in sustaining recent expansion and eradicating pervasive pest problems.

Because of neem oil's long-lasting effects, giving the young plant daily treatments is unnecessary. Unfortunately, it also doesn't happen instantly; you must wait for them to disappear. To see how your plant reacts, always perform a spot test.

What You Need:

  • 1/2 ounce high-quality pure neem oil
  • Spray Bottle
  • 2 quart of water (warm)
  • 1/2 teaspoon pure castile or mild liquid soap.

What You Need To Do:

  1. Put everything into a large bowl to start.
  2. Gradually combine the ingredients.
  3. Fill a spray bottle with the concoction.
  4. The damaged plants and their leaf undersides should be sprayed with the mixture.
  5. If you still detect insect pests on your plants after a week or so, spray them again.

Garlic And Hot Pepper Spray

If you don't mind the smell, a spray made of hot peppers and garlic will kill the aphids on your plants. It puts a halt to pest invasions. It accomplishes this by preventing them from feeding on the vegetation. Always test an inconspicuous part of your plant or leaf before applying a large amount of any spray, including this garlic oil spray.

What You Need:

  • 2 to 3 garlic cloves
  • Six large chilli peppers
  • Cheesecloth or coffee filter
  • Blender
  • Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

  • First, use a blender to make a paste from the garlic cloves and chilli peppers (this will also help release the garlic oil).
  • Put the contents through a coffee filter or cheesecloth.
  • Transfer the liquid to a spray bottle.
  • Spray the mixture on the plants.
  • The spray should be redone every few days or as long as common pests are present in the plants.

DIY Insect Killer With Alcohol

Effectively controlling heavy infestations and keeping insects away from houseplants can be accomplished using a rubbing alcohol solution. A spot test is the best approach to see how your plant material reacts to a new treatment.

What You Need:

  • 1 or 2 cups of 70 per cent isopropyl alcohol
  • 1-quart water
  • Spray Bottle

What You Need To Do:

  • Put everything in a large basin and stir it up. 
  • Stir slowly. 
  • The spray bottle needs the mixture added to it.
  • Apply the concoction to the plants topically. 
  • If you still spot bugs in your plants after a few days, give them another treatment. In the case of immature plants, it is safe even for direct contact.


This blog highlights the need for non-chemical alternatives to protect plants and humans from the harmful effects of chemical pesticides. The article suggests various natural pesticides that can be made at home to control pests on houseplants.

The first section discusses the common pests that affect indoor plants, including spider mites, mealybugs, scale insects, aphids, fungus gnats, and thrips. It provides descriptions of each pest and offers tips on how to identify and control them using natural or chemical pesticides.

The second section focuses on natural pest control methods for gardens. It suggests homemade slug repellents using coffee or beer, eucalyptus oil for mosquitoes, attracting beneficial pests like ladybugs and lacewings to eliminate aphids, using tea or pepper spray to discourage possums, and using chrysanthemum flower tea as an insecticide.

The final section mentions neem oil spray as an effective organic solution for managing and eliminating common houseplant pests. It explains how neem oil disrupts the pests' nervous systems, and provides instructions on how to make and apply the neem oil spray. The article also mentions garlic and hot pepper spray, DIY insect killer with alcohol, and their respective recipes and application methods.

Overall, the article aims to educate readers about the harmful effects of chemical pesticides and provides alternative natural methods to control pests on indoor plants, promoting a safer and healthier approach to plant care.

Content Summary

  • Indoor plant growers seek non-chemical pest control methods to protect their plants and themselves.
  • Natural methods exist for preventing and eliminating insect damage to houseplants.
  • Mixing dish soap with water can create a solution to spray on afflicted areas of plants.
  • Vinegar and water mixture can be used as a natural insecticide for plants.
  • Neem oil is a beneficial natural pesticide for indoor plants.
  • The article provides three methods for creating natural pesticides for houseplants.
  • Common indoor plant pests include mealybugs, spider mites, scale insects, fungus gnats, and whiteflies.
  • Spider mites are tiny spiders that damage plant foliage and can be eliminated with neem oil or insecticidal soap.
  • Mealybugs can cause wilting and yellowing of plants and can be eliminated with chemical or natural pesticides.
  • Scale insects feed on plant sap, leading to yellowing and dropping leaves, and can be prevented by regular inspection and treatment.
  • Aphids are soft-bodied insects that cause leaf curling and yellowing and can be avoided with natural or chemical insecticides.
  • Fungus gnats lay eggs in plant soil, leading to root damage, but can be controlled by allowing the soil to dry out and using yellow sticky traps.
  • Thrips suck plant sap, causing abnormal growth, and can be prevented by regular inspection and insecticide application.
  • Regular plant inspection, proper watering and fertilization, and pest control measures are important for preventing infestations.
  • Home remedies can be used as alternatives to commercial pesticides for garden pest control.
  • A solution of espresso and water can be sprayed on slug and snail-infested garden sections.
  • Eucalyptus oil can be used as a natural alternative to DEET-based insect repellents for mosquitoes.
  • Growing certain plants like mint, fennel, and dandelions can attract beneficial insects that prey on aphids.
  • Lapsang Souchong tea, mothballs, and camphor blocks can deter possums from eating plants.
  • Pepper spray made with red pepper and mild liquid soap can repel insects from plants.
  • Chrysanthemum flower tea can invade insects' neurological systems and be used as a topical spray.
  • Neem oil is an organic solution for managing and removing common houseplant pests.
  • Garlic and hot pepper spray can kill aphids and prevent pest invasions on plants.
  • Rubbing alcohol solution can effectively control heavy infestations on houseplants.
  • Performing spot tests is important to ensure plant reactions to the homemade pesticides.
  • The homemade pesticides can be applied topically using spray bottles.
  • Regular reapplication of the homemade pesticides is necessary until pests are no longer present.
  • The homemade pesticides are cheaper and safer for the environment compared to synthetic counterparts.
  • Creating a welcoming environment for beneficial insects can help control pest populations in gardens.
  • The homemade sprays make the home an uninhabitable habitat for pests.

Frequently Asked Questions About Natural Pesticides

The best thing to spray houseplants with depends on the purpose of the spraying. Here are a few options:

  • Water: Most houseplants benefit from being misted with water to increase humidity around the plant. This can be especially helpful in dry environments or during the winter months when indoor heating can dry out the air.
  • Insecticidal soap: If you notice pests on your houseplants, you can use an insecticidal soap to help control them. Follow the instructions on the product carefully, and make sure to only use it on plants that are listed as safe on the label.
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