Improving the air quality in your home is far more important than you may realize. Not only can poor air quality make you sick, but it can also lead to more serious problems such as cancer and lung disease. Here are a few tips for drastically improving the air quality in your home.
Air Purifier
One of the first and easiest things you can do is purchase an air purifier. Alen air purifiers are designed, in simple terms, to take the dirty air in your home, send it through some filters, and clean it. The great thing about air purifiers is that they not only keep your air clean, but they can also control dust, pollen, and other allergens. There are also many air purifiers that can control smells, leaving your house feeling and smelling fresh all the time.
Control the Moisture
Moisture build-up is another main cause for dirty air in many homes. It can lead to the development of mold, and having too many mold spores in the home can have a negative impact on your breathing and lung health.
To combat moisture, you should keep your windows open regularly, especially in areas that have a lot of moisture build-up, such as the bathroom and kitchen. If this doesn’t help, a dehumidifier could be exactly what you need.
Keep Your Space Clean
Once again, dust is one of the biggest culprits when it comes to what causes dirty air. Because of this, it is essential to keep your home clean and dust-free as much as possible. There is no special trick here; you simply need to clean and dust your space regularly.
It is important to pay extra attention to spots that you often don’t notice or can’t see, such as the top of doors, door frames, lighting fixtures, etc. These areas typically end up gathering a lot more dust as they aren’t cleaned as often.
Prioritize Ventilation
Ventilation is another easy way to keep the air in your house clean. However, there are a couple of things you need to remember when ventilating your home to ensure you don’t make the dirty air problem worse.
Firstly, don’t open your windows if there is a fire, smog, or something similar in the area. Secondly, open windows that are on opposite sides of the house to create a draft, as this will make it easier and quick to push the dirty air out and pull clean air in.
Indoor Plants
There are several house plants that you can get to help keep the air in your house clean. Considering this is something plants do anyway, investing in the plants that are incredible at this can be a game changer. For example, Peace Lilies, Aloe Vera, and Weeping Fig are all inexpensive plants that are very, very good at recycling dirty air and turning it into clean air.
Cleaning Products
Pay attention to the cleaning products you use, as there are plenty that put harmful chemicals into the air. Bleach is one of the most common ones, and can cause severe breathing issues for those who already suffer from a respiratory condition, such as asthma.
Opt for cleaning products that are natural, or are mainly composed of natural ingredients. You can also opt for products that are fragranceless, as some ingredients that create the smell in products can be harmful and cause breathing difficulties.
Use Your Kitchen Extractor Fan
While it can be annoying and loud, it is essential to use your kitchen extractor fan when cooking. Cooking can cause smoke, steam, and plenty of smells that can soak into your furniture, walls, and curtains.
Using your extractor fan when cooking can limit this, as well as opening a window when you are cooking. You should also leave your kitchen window open for a while after you are done cooking, to ensure you keep the fresh air coming in.
Vacuum Regularly
Your carpets are, unfortunately, one of the best dust and dirt absorbers in your house. Because of this, vacuuming needs to be a regular part of your cleaning routine, especially in the areas that see a lot of foot traffic.
If possible, it is also a great idea to get in professional cleaners to steam your carpets, as well as get your removable ones professionally cleaned.
Monitor Your Air Quality
Finally, there are plenty of companies selling affordable home air quality monitors that you can use to see how clean your air is. What is great about these, is that they can give you the best idea of when and when not to open your windows, too.
They can also monitor everything from dust and pollen, to humidity, carbon dioxide, and many other factors. These are also ideal for those with respiratory issues or severe allergies, as you can keep track of what you need to do to keep your air clean.
As you can see, it is fairly easy, and can be fairly inexpensive to keep the air in your house clean and safe for everyone who lives there. There is no need to spend money on expensive services if you make the effort to do the small jobs regularly.